Can I Get A Facelift At 30?

Facelift surgery is normally associated with people over fifty that have started showing more advanced signs of aging. However, aging, even advanced signs, can begin earlier in life. Some people may even notice changes in their late twenties or thirties. It is not uncommon for patients in their thirties to seek out a plastic surgeon […]

Should I Lose Weight Before A Facelift?

Regardless of weight fluctuations, jowling and sagging can and does happen to everyone eventually. While weight changes can influence or worsen it, weight itself will not necessarily impact the need for a facelift. However, due to the impact weight changes can have on extra skin, patients sometimes ask, “Should I lose weight before a facelift?” […]

Can Botox Lift Eyebrows?

With age, the eyebrows naturally sag. While these changes are often microscopic at first, by your fifties or sixties, patients often will notice the brows have significantly distended. This is often best remedied with a brow lift. However, in these earlier stages, patients often want to minimize or treat the earlier signs of sagging. Can […]

Do Facelifts Ever Look Natural?

Facelifts rank among the most popular plastic surgeries every year. However, there are still stigmas that surround facelifts. Botched results, celebrities whose faces were forever changed, and results from decades ago. This can leave many potential facelift patients hesitant and ask, “Do facelifts ever look natural?” The answer is yes. In fact, most facelifts look […]

What Procedure Is Best For Skin Tightening?

With age, the skin naturally begins to lose and produce less collagen and other proteins responsible for the tightness and suppleness of the skin. This can lead to skin sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines. Various cosmetic procedures–both surgical and non-surgical–can tighten the skin and treat lax skin at almost any stage. Let’s take a look […]

What Is A SMAS Facelift?

Facelifts come in many different shapes and sizes. Some may only involve a minimal incision and skin removal, while others may address the facial muscles. A term often used when talking about the types of facelifts is “SMAS facelift”. Let’s explore the question, “What is a SMAS facelift?” and whether it may be the right […]

How Long Does Fat Transfer To The Face Last?

Fat transfer to the face is a facial plastic surgery procedure that takes fat from elsewhere on the body and transfers it into hollowed regions of the face. Typically, this treats aging and sometimes hollowing associated with certain diseases or disorders. It is often performed in lieu of dermal fillers, or to provide longer lasting […]

Does Facial Fat Transfer Work?

Fat transfer to the face, also known as a facial fat transfer, is a procedure that takes fat from one area of the body and moves it to fill in facial hollows. This is most commonly done to address hollowing due to aging, illness, or other factors. While fat transfer procedures are growing in popularity, […]

Can Sagging Jowls Be Fixed?

One of the signs of aging that most concerns patients is jowl sagging. This involves loose and extra skin collecting along the jawline and lower cheeks. Occasionally, small fat pockets may also accumulate in the area. This can age the face prematurely and cause patients distress. They often come in asking, “Can sagging jowls be […]

How Can I Tighten My Eyelids Without Surgery?

The traditional method for tightening the eyelids is blepharoplasty surgery. However, this is not always necessary depending on your concerns, age, and anatomy. Dr. Santos can determine if a blepharoplasty–or eyelid lift–is the best option, or if you would better benefit from a non-surgical eyelid tightening procedure. So, how can I tighten my eyelids without […]