Facial plastic surgery is a big decision for many patients because the face is so interconnected and can make a significant impact on your outward appearance. That is why it is recommended that when considering facial plastic surgery, you seek a qualified facial plastic surgeon. Let’s look at one of the concerns patients have, “Does […]
Category: Rhinoplasty (nasal surgery)
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Can A Teenager Get A Nose Job?
Plastic surgery is not usually performed on people under the age of 18. However, there are some procedures or cases, where cosmetic surgery is warranted. Among the most common surgeries for teenagers is rhinoplasty. Sometimes it is performed for reconstructive or medical reasons, and other times it is purely cosmetic. Let’s look deeper at the […]
Is There A Nose Job Without Surgery?
Nose job surgery has remained in the top five most popular plastic surgeries for decades. However, as plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures evolve, patients start to wonder if it is possible to achieve the results they want without surgery. While Dr. Santos specializes in facial plastic surgery, he also can discuss your candidacy and the […]
Are You Awake During A Nose Job?
More and more facial plastic surgeries are being performed under local anesthesia. This means that patients are fully or–more commonly–partially awake during their surgery. Dr. Santos frequently performs facelifts, neck lifts, and facial liposuction, among others under local anesthesia. As one of the more common facial plastic surgeries, patients often wonder, “Are you awake during […]
Top Tips For Your Rhinoplasty Recovery
Recovering from any facial plastic surgery requires patience and specific aftercare instructions. Your plastic surgeon will give you instructions and tips to minimize recovery pain and time. However, there are some small things you can do to help along with a nose job recovery. Here are three of the top tips for your rhinoplasty recovery. […]
Why Are Nose Jobs So Popular Among Men?
When thinking about the main demographic for nose jobs, most people would probably not think that men would be high on the list. In fact, many patients are surprised to find out that rhinoplasty has consistently ranked as the most popular plastic surgery for men. Male nose jobs even outrank male-centric procedures such as gynecomastia […]
Does Septoplasty Change Your Face?
A septoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects a deviated septum. This relatively common anatomy can hinder breathing, cause sinus problems, and worsen many medical conditions. Others may have no complications or symptoms. Due to the septum’s location within the nose and sometimes the visibility of a deviated septum, patients tend to wonder, “Does septoplasty […]
Is It Possible To Straighten Your Nose Without Surgery?
A nose job is one of the most frequently performed facial plastic surgeries. It is the only surgery known to alter the nose permanently and significantly. However, not all cosmetic concerns of the nose require surgery. For example, a hump on the nose can often be corrected with a non-surgical rhinoplasty. Is it possible to […]
Does A Nose Job Last Forever?
A nose job, formally known as a rhinoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure that alters the shape of the nose. It most commonly addresses humps on the bridge of the nose, makes the nose smaller, and eases airflow through the nose. When considering the surgery, patients often wonder, “Does a nose job last forever?” This […]
Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: Which Is Better?
Nose job surgery remains one of the most popular facial plastic surgery procedures for men and women. Traditional rhinoplasty surgery involves altering the bone and tissue structure of the nose and often the septum. However, with new advances in dermal fillers, some patients can benefit from a non-surgical rhinoplasty using filler injections. Some may still […]