The Best Way To Treat Facelift Scars: Scar Protocol

Facelift surgery creates beautiful results and can take years off the face. This requires surgical incisions that eventually can become scars. Patients undergoing a facelift understandably want to hide their scars as much as possible. Plastic surgeons use techniques to hide scars in the natural contours of the body and minimize their overall size. However, […]

Bruising After Blepharoplasty: What’s Normal?

Bruising is a side effect of nearly any surgical procedure, including plastic surgery. For facial plastic surgery, this is especially a concern for patients who want to return to their lives as quickly as possible. With a blepharoplasty, it can be difficult to hide the bruising and it may also appear alarming. What is normal […]

Facelift Seattle: Is A Facelift Dangerous?

It is understandable that patients may feel nervous before undergoing a facelift. When researching or discussing the risks, patients may wonder, “Is a facelift dangerous?” Since a facelift is an elective surgery, patients often become more nervous about the possible risks of a facelift. Dr. David Santos can discuss these risks with you and the […]

Deviated Septum Seattle: How To Prepare For Septoplasty Surgery

A deviated septum is a relatively common condition where the column of cartilage that separates the two nostrils sits more to one side than the other. This can block airways and cause several medical problems. Some people are born with a deviated septum while others acquire one due to an injury. The best way to […]

Facelift Seattle: What Types Of Facelifts Are There?

Facelift surgeries come in many different types and varieties. Dr. David Santos is an expert facelift surgeon capable of performing all types of facelifts. Prior to surgery, patients can become overwhelmed by the many facelifts available. What types of facelifts are there? Starting with the least invasive technique, a mini facelift utilizes a smaller incision […]

Chin Augmentation Seattle: Chin Implant vs. Chin Filler

Chin augmentation can dramatically change the look of the face and bring symmetry to the facial features. There are many ways to accomplish this utilizing surgical and non-surgical methods. The two most common ways to augment the chin are chin implant and chin filler.  A chin implant is a permanent solution that Dr. Santos surgically […]

Risks Of A Mini Facelift & How Dr. Santos Minimizes Them

A mini facelift surgery like any surgical procedure comes with some risk. Dr. Santos uses many advanced surgical methods to reduce the risks of mini facelift surgery. First off, the main risks of a mini facelift are the typical surgical risks of: Scarring Infection Fluid collection Skin death Complications due to anesthesia Pain Unsatisfactory result […]

Facelift Questions: How To Reduce Swelling After A Facelift?

Swelling is a common side effect of any surgery. It can occasionally cause discomfort, but usually resolves on its own within a week or so of surgery. When it comes to facelifts, swelling can be particularly troublesome because it distorts results and patients normally do not feel comfortable going out with swelling after a facelift.  […]

Combining Facial Plastic Surgeries Can Improve Your Results

Many patients who come in seeking a facelift, eyelid surgery, or other facial plastic surgery are often interested in more than procedure or could benefit from more than one. There is a common misconception that each facial plastic surgery must be a separate surgery. However, this is fundamentally not true. Most facial plastic surgery procedures […]