How The Upper Face Ages & Options For A Younger Looking Brow

When it comes to facial aging, the focus often tends to shift to the lower face where sagging often looks more prominent. In these cases, a facelift or neck lift can correct lower face sagging For some, however, brow sagging can contribute more to aging than the lower face. Usually, the first signs of aging […]

Brow Lift Recovery: What You Need To Know

A brow lift is a facial plastic surgery that corrects brow sagging, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. During the procedure, Dr. Santos will make small incisions hidden in the hairline and lift the skin and underlying muscles. He will do this precisely to make sure it looks natural and complements the rest of your […]

Men And Women Age Differently: Here’s How

It is commonly accepted that men and women mature at different rates, at least early on in life. However, this same imbalance continues throughout our lives. Beyond major differences seen in menopause, men’s and women’s faces age differently as well.  Due to increased testosterone levels, male skin is thicker and therefore less susceptible to the […]

Receding Hairline And A Brow Lift: Is It Possible?

Male pattern baldness and other causes of a receding hairline often make patients seeking a brow lift hesitant. Most brow related incisions are hidden in the hairline. For those who experience a receding hairline, this can compromise your procedure. Luckily, with the newest technology and Dr. Santos’ refined techniques, most patients with a receding hairline […]

How a Browlift made a significant impact: One patient’s story

      When age starts to make your eyebrows sag, you may get used to hearing that you” look angry”, “worried” or “tired”.   Cindy used to always have that problem.  Friends now tell her, “You look so amazing.”   Visual field loss, angry, tired, appearance.       Cindy was a widow at 70 […]


      David Santos MD FACS,   Over the years, I have seen an increase in requests for plastic surgery procedures by men.   There is a commonly held belief that women request plastic surgery procedures more often than men.  In my practice, facelift is the predominant procedure performed, and is requested more […]

What is More Invasive..a Browlift or Upper Blephroplasty?

 Andi P in Pennsylvaasks: What is More Invasive- a brow lift or upper blepharoplasty?   Thanks! There are a number of different types of brow lift procedures.  Most of the brow lift procedures would likely be categorized as more invasive than a standard upper blepharoplasty.  Upper blepharoplasty is a simple procedure whereby skin and a small component of […]