Facelifts come in many different shapes and sizes. Some may only involve a minimal incision and skin removal, while others may address the facial muscles. A term often used when talking about the types of facelifts is “SMAS facelift”. Let’s explore the question, “What is a SMAS facelift?” and whether it may be the right […]
What Is The Difference Between A Brow Lift & A Facelift?
At first glance, it may seem obvious that there is a difference between a brow lift and a facelift. However, before surgery and in consultations, many people ask, “Will a facelift address my forehead?” The term “facelift” is fairly vague, so it is not clear exactly what areas of the face the procedure address. Let’s […]
Signs You May Benefit From Adding A Neck Lift To Your Facelift
Combining a neck lift with a facelift is relatively common and easy. Many patients will find the best results from a facelift if they also address their neck at the same time. However, not every patient will benefit from a neck lift. So, how can you know? Ultimately, Dr. Santos can determine this following a […]
How Long Does Fat Transfer To The Face Last?
Fat transfer to the face is a facial plastic surgery procedure that takes fat from elsewhere on the body and transfers it into hollowed regions of the face. Typically, this treats aging and sometimes hollowing associated with certain diseases or disorders. It is often performed in lieu of dermal fillers, or to provide longer lasting […]
Managing Facial Plastic Surgery Expectations: What To Know
Expectations within the plastic surgery world can make the difference between someone who is a candidate for surgery and someone who is not. Plastic surgery–while it can achieve amazing outcomes–is not one size fits all. One result may not be possible in every patient based on varying anatomy. Expectations become heightened when it comes to […]
How Long Does Swelling Last After Chin Implant?
Swelling after any surgical procedure is pretty much inevitable. While it is not always troublesome, for facial surgeries it can be particularly annoying. Swelling of another part of the body can often be adequately hidden under clothing and compression garments. Facial swelling though, cannot be disguised so easily. One procedure patients find themselves particularly worried […]
What Is The Best Treatment For Saggy Eyelids?
Saggy eyelids happen for many reasons, though the most common one is aging. Patients can experience sagging on their upper or lower lids, and sometimes both. This can cause distress and sometimes even hinder a patient’s vision in severe cases. Naturally, patients tend to wonder, “What is the best treatment for saggy eyelids?” First off, […]
What Is The Difference Between A Brow Lift And A Forehead Lift?
The terms “brow lift” and “forehead lift” are often used synonymously to refer to surgical procedures that address aging from the eyebrows up. Though, to facial plastic surgeons, there is a subtle difference between the two procedures, even if they often address the same areas and concerns. Let’s take a closer look at the question, […]
Can Sagging Jowls Be Fixed?
One of the signs of aging that most concerns patients is jowl sagging. This involves loose and extra skin collecting along the jawline and lower cheeks. Occasionally, small fat pockets may also accumulate in the area. This can age the face prematurely and cause patients distress. They often come in asking, “Can sagging jowls be […]
How Long Does CO2 Laser Resurfacing Take To Heal?
Skin resurfacing is performed on different levels. Exfoliation strips away pollutants and dead skin, this can be done with daily cleansing or weekly with at home treatments. Deeper medical grade treatments such as chemical peels, non-ablative lasers, and microneedling. However, the deepest exfoliation comes in the form of surgical or deep chemical resurfacing, both of […]