Can You Be Too Old For Botox? Botox injections are often associated with patients entering middle age who want to prevent wrinkles and treat dynamic wrinkles. However, as we age and may undergo more extensive procedures such as facelifts, many patients wonder if their age impacts their candidacy for Botox. Can you be too old […]
What Is A Botox Brow Lift?
When most people hear the term “brow lift,” they think of the surgical procedure that addresses upper face sagging and wrinkles. However, there are forms of non-surgical brow lifts, primarily with neurotoxins such as Botox. While a Botox brow lift cannot replace a surgical brow lift, it can provide some enhancement. Let’s look more at […]
Can Botox Lift Eyebrows?
With age, the eyebrows naturally sag. While these changes are often microscopic at first, by your fifties or sixties, patients often will notice the brows have significantly distended. This is often best remedied with a brow lift. However, in these earlier stages, patients often want to minimize or treat the earlier signs of sagging. Can […]
What Procedure Is Best For Skin Tightening?
With age, the skin naturally begins to lose and produce less collagen and other proteins responsible for the tightness and suppleness of the skin. This can lead to skin sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines. Various cosmetic procedures–both surgical and non-surgical–can tighten the skin and treat lax skin at almost any stage. Let’s take a look […]
What Is The Best Treatment For Saggy Eyelids?
Saggy eyelids happen for many reasons, though the most common one is aging. Patients can experience sagging on their upper or lower lids, and sometimes both. This can cause distress and sometimes even hinder a patient’s vision in severe cases. Naturally, patients tend to wonder, “What is the best treatment for saggy eyelids?” First off, […]
How Can I Tighten My Eyelids Without Surgery?
The traditional method for tightening the eyelids is blepharoplasty surgery. However, this is not always necessary depending on your concerns, age, and anatomy. Dr. Santos can determine if a blepharoplasty–or eyelid lift–is the best option, or if you would better benefit from a non-surgical eyelid tightening procedure. So, how can I tighten my eyelids without […]
Does Facelift Without Surgery Work?
Facelift surgery is one of the most effective ways to address aging, jowling, and saggy, wrinkled skin. However, is surgery always necessary to see a great result that makes you look years younger? Currently, there are many non-surgical facelift options available such as liquid facelifts, thread lifts, and more. Does facelift without surgery work? The […]
Is BOTOX A Dermal Filler?
There are a wide variety of cosmetic injectables that can enhance facial features. The main two categories are neuromodulators and dermal fillers. Most people are familiar with dermal fillers, especially since the popularity of filler procedures like lip fillers has grown in the last few years. In everyday speech, ‘fillers’ has now almost become synonymous […]
Liquid Facelifts: Are They Effective?
Facelifts come in many varieties. Most involve some surgery, however, a liquid facelift is a completely non-surgical facelift. A liquid facelift uses dermal fillers and BOTOX to enhance the facial features and can lead to younger results. When compared to a surgical facelift, are liquid facelifts effective? For some patients who do not yet have […]
BOTOX Or A Brow Lift: Which One Will Benefit You Best?
Patients, in most circumstances, will choose a non-surgical procedure over a surgical one. For the brow and forehead area, BOTOX injections are one of the leading treatments for wrinkles in this area. However, for some patients BOTOX will not provide the results they want to see and a brow lift may be necessary to fully […]