What Is The Difference Between A Facelift and Mini Facelift?

When considering facelift options, your cosmetic surgeon may recommend a procedure known as a mini facelift. Not everyone who seeks a facelift procedure needs the full surgery. Depending upon your needs, a mini facelift may be the best option.  A facelift procedure targets the areas of the face around and below the cheeks, including the […]


  In April 2015, the FDA approved of the use of an injectable called Kybella for reduction of fat.  Kybella is a deoxycholic acid that is injected into the submentum double chin area to reduce fat successfully. Certainly we know that there are many individuals who are significantly discouraged by their appearance in the under […]

How Does it Feel to get a Facelift? One Woman’s True Story

By Larry Rondeau, Medical and Science Writer with Dr. David Santos   The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that in 2014, plastic surgeons performed 1.7 million cosmetic surgical procedures in the US, including 128,000 facelifts. How does it feel to get a facelift?   I asked Roni Graham, a patient of Dr. David Santos.  […]

Would a Lower Lift Help with Sagging in the Marionette Area?

Katt122 in Florida   asks: “Would a Lower Lift Help with Sagging in the Marionette Area?  Due to 30lb weight loss I have sagging in the marionette line area. Its not too bad but it bothers me that I look sad. I talked to a plastic surgeon about a lower lift. He said this would also help my […]