When discussing the specifics of a brow lift surgery with a potential candidate, some patients become understandably concerned when they find out that sometimes a brow lift involves an incision along or above the hairline. Hair, especially in older patients, is fragile and susceptible to loss, especially when enduring trauma to the area like with […]
What Is The Difference Between A Brow Lift And A Forehead Lift?
The terms “brow lift” and “forehead lift” are often used synonymously to refer to surgical procedures that address aging from the eyebrows up. Though, to facial plastic surgeons, there is a subtle difference between the two procedures, even if they often address the same areas and concerns. Let’s take a closer look at the question, […]
Do Brow Lifts Look Natural?
Throughout the years, tabloids have published unflattering pictures of celebrities who have had bad plastic surgery, particularly brow lifts. When performed incorrectly or on the wrong patient, brow lifts can make the patient look perpetually surprised or windswept. Understandably, many patients who come in wanting to address their aging brow, worry that this will be […]
How Painful Is A Brow Lift?
A brow lift is a facial plastic surgery that lifts and repositions the brows and structures of the forehead. It can treat the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, and create a more youthful look. Patients who undergo this procedure–especially those considering local anesthesia–often ask, “How painful is a brow lift?” During surgery, […]