The neck, along with the face, tends to show age before elsewhere on the body. For some, the neck can actually make a larger difference in facial appearance than actual facial aging. In these cases, a neck lift can make a major difference in your appearance and can take years off your appearance. Many know that a facelift can take potentially 10-12 years off the face. But, how many years does a neck lift take off?
This question is largely one that will differ for each patient, much like facelift results. For example, patients who need only mild correction of the neck may only see five years come off. While others who need a more extensive procedure may see more dramatic results. During your consultation, Dr. Santos will discuss what you can expect from your customized neck lift in Seattle.
On average, like with a facelift, ideally, a neck lift can take off up to 10 to 12 years. The procedure will tighten the skin, repair lax neck muscles, remove uneven fat pockets, and remove excess skin. This can improve facial profile and overall lead to a more youthful appearance.
To learn more and to schedule a consultation, call us at 206-430-1035. You can also connect with us online using Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.