Skin resurfacing is performed on different levels. Exfoliation strips away pollutants and dead skin, this can be done with daily cleansing or weekly with at home treatments. Deeper medical grade treatments such as chemical peels, non-ablative lasers, and microneedling. However, the deepest exfoliation comes in the form of surgical or deep chemical resurfacing, both of which require either local anesthesia or full sedation. Due to this, CO2 laser resurfacing does have a recovery period and takes longer to heal. How long does CO2 laser resurfacing take to heal?
On average, the recovery and healing time for CO2 laser resurfacing is between one and two weeks. However, depending on your specific medical history, procedure, and skin, it may be shorter or longer. Generally, patients can return to some activities and sometimes work after one week. New skin begins forming immediately and usually becomes visible within a week.
At the two week mark, most patients can resume most of their usual activities. You will need to continue using moisturizers to prevent dry skin and it is imperative to wear sunscreen every day for several weeks regardless of the weather or if you go outside. Your skin will continue to be very sun sensitive.
Within a month, most patients are fully recovered. Most forms of exercise can commence and patients can continue on with their normal lives. Only with improved skin and more confidence!
To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-430-1035. You can also contact us online via Price Simulator™, chat, and contact form.